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Charlotte McDonald-Gibson


06 Jul 2023

Crossing Border launches new kids' programme for 2023

Following the excitement of our first artist announcement for Crossing Border 2023 last month, we are thrilled to be following up with news of our first dedicated programme for children and teenagers and more.

Find out more in this festival newsletter about...

  • the Crossing Border Kids' Programme
  • artists joining You'll have to scream LOUDER 2023
  • the return of The Chronicles, with four authors confirmed

The festival will take place from 1 - 4 November in beautiful venues across the centre of The Hague. Tickets are on sale now: see programme and ticketing info below, and stay tuned for more announcements soon!

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The Crossing Border Kids’ Programme will feature a selection of authors and illustrators of children’s literature that showcase the best artistic and literary quality in books for pre-readers (0-4), early readers (4-8), and middle-grade (8-12), as well as events for teenagers.

You can expect hands-on workshops, interviews on the creative and artistic process behind the stories, and of course story time from the authors themselves.

In our selection of authors and illustrators we have tried to bring a diversity of voices, languages, and life-experiences. So far, confirmed artists and authors include Lucie Felix, who has won multiple awards for her quirky and colourful books; French graphic novelist Nicoby; and Lawrence Schimel and Alba Marina Rivera, whose collaboration on Let’s Go See Papa gives a child's perspective on the complex issue of migration.

Date: 4 November

Time: Events throughout the day

Location: Zaal 3

Language: Dutch, English, French and others! Please check the programme page for details.

View the Kids' Programme

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The 2023 edition of You'll have to scream LOUDER focuses on Dutch-speaking talent from contemporary literature. Join us for an intimate evening in Zaal 3 and NEST, where they will share their literary, poetic, and musical tales.

Prepare for thought-provoking discussions with soon-to-be-published novelists Falun Ellie Koos and Safae el Shayeb, moderated by Oscar Kocken. Additionally, we'll explore the world of multidisciplinary spoken word with performers Sjaan Flikweert and Moze Naél. The evening will also feature captivating musical performances by, among others, the new hiphop duo Vudu Cru, comprised of Joost Hoekaf and Dean Bowen. Other confirmed artists include Sunni Lamin Barrow, Dominique de Groen, and Thom Wijenberg.

Date: 2 November

Time: 19h00

Location: Zaal 3 and NEST

Language: Dutch only

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The Chronicles is Crossing Border’s unique annual residency project for talented authors and translators. Each day of the festival, an up-and-coming writer works on a blog of that day’s events, capturing their insights and experiences of the artists performing on the Crossing Border stage.

At the same time, translators get to work and offer the audience a near-simultaneous translation. The translators are at the start of their literary careers, and the aim is to showcase the skill and talent of both the writer and translator and show how the process works.

So far, four authors have been confirmed: Claire Baglin, whose debut En Salle (Werken voor de kost) explores the French working-class experience via the kitchens of a fast food restaurant; hotly-tipped Dutch author Dario Goldbach, who skewers the tech industry in The Man Who Had it All (De man die alles had) ; Dutch writer and lecturer Safae el Shayeb, who examines the paradoxical existence of the migrant; and C. Buddingh Prize-winning poet, Alara Adilow. The translators will be announced in September

View The Chronicles line up

Music and Literature Programme

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We are already delighted to have confirmed a host of top authors and musicians who will be joining us for Crossing Border 2023. Authors include Zadie SmithTeju Cole, and Max Porter, while musicians taking to the stage include Youth Lagoon, muva of Earth, Naaz, Leyla McCalla, Jim White.

Stay tuned for more exciting announcements coming in September!

View the full line up

Ticketing and Programme information

Tickets for the evening programme on 2, 3 and 4 November and day programme and kids' programme on 4 November are now on sale.

The evening programme will be held once again in the Korzo Theater, while a new venue (to be announced) will be added for the literary evening programme.

The exact locations of the day programme will all be in the centre of The Hague, and will be announced in September. Venues include: The Royal Theater, KABK, Theater aan het Spui, Zaal 3, Het Mauritshuis and BorderKitchen.

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Copyright © 2023 Stichting Other World Productions, All rights reserved.

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